I think at one time or another we have all thought our contributuion to the building of Gods Kingdom, to be insignificant. We may even think the same of some of the disciples that followed Jesus, that we don't hear much about, such as Andrew. We don't read about the great speeches he may have delivered, or the thousands he brought to the Lord. But, what stands out to me is in John1:40-42 One of the two who heard John speak and followed Him was, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. He found first his own brother Simon and said to him, "We have found the Messiah" (which translated means Christ). He brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon the son of John; you shall be called Cephas" (Which is translated Peter).
I would imagine even Andrew didn't realize the significance of what he was doing when he brought his brother, Peter, to see Jesus. We've read about Peter's impact on leading thousands upon thousands to Christ, but we don't hear much else about Andrew. Yet the way I see this, is that Andrew did indeed lead thousands upon thousands to Christ, and then some. "He brought Peter", and I am sure, although it's not written, Andrew continued to lead others to Christ. Another point that stood out was, Andrew found "first his own brother". I see this as instructive to us to seek and lead those in our families as priority. Not that we are not to lead another to the Lord when or if the opportunity arrises.
I found this point about Andrew refreshing and fitting to our study with "Made to Count".
No matter how insignificant we may think our actions to be when we are seeking to serve others for the building of Gods Kingdom, we don't know God's plan. Andrew had no idea the ministry Peter would come to when he asked him to come meet Jesus, any more than we do when we do the same.
Not one of us is insignificant in the eyes of God, nor our actions when we are serving Him.
As we approach the Easter celebration, I pray many of us will step out in boldness and ask another to "Come meet Jesus".
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